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Monday, 9 January 2012

Drinking Fountain: A Big Help to the Environment

A drinking water fountain has a design in which a person can directly drink from the stream of water. It is still a better choice over both tap water and bottled water because it has plenty of advantages. Some of them have filtered water system, which remove hazardous chemicals and impurities from water. Now you do not only have a convenient water source system, but also a safe and clean one.

Drinking fountain is commonly incorporated to places where there are several people. These include schools, sports or recreational areas, and most especially in companies. Aside from the fact that it provides healthier water to people, its creation also highly praised for being a great contribution to the environment. Just imagine if there are no water dispensers or fountains. Everyone might probably be using bottled waters instead.

Waste management is known to be the largest environmental problem in the world. Thousands of plastic bottles that are being thrown in the landfills every day undoubtedly aggravate the problem. Since plastics are non biodegradable, they have slow decay rate and an incredibly large percentage of them are just thrown away.

Recycling is one of the methods people use in order to help in waste management. Unfortunately recycling also involves burning these plastic bottles. Thus, greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere and affect the ozone layer. The biggest consequence: global warming. Plastic bottles also leach chemicals, such as phthalates, into the water. This is the reason why constantly reusing and refilling bottles is not recommended.

Since the benefits of drinking water fountain outweighs those of the bottled water, why have doubt on choosing it? A drinking fountain is not just eco-friendly. It has other features that would benefit everyone in the company. It is convenient to use, a cost-effective way in providing filtered water, and has easier maintenance.

Get the best filtered water system: Promote health. Help the Mother Nature.

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